ENVIEN Magyarország Kft.
was founded in 2013 with a primary objective to gain access
to the Hungarian agricultural commodity market.

Our primary objective
is to trade commodities which serve as raw
materials or byproducts of biofuels production


Company introduction

Envien Magyaroszág is a member of Envien Group, consisting of nine legal entities operating in the biofuel industry in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).

ENVIEN Magyarország Kft. was founded in 2013 with a primary objective to gain access to the Hungarian agricultural commodity market.

Our primary objective is to buy and sell commodities that serve as raw materials or as by- products of biofuel production. Our initial trading portfolio includes corn, rapeseed, rapeseed meal, and DDGS. We pay close attention to quality and safety and therefore have integrated ISO 9001 standards into our quality management system.

We aim for constant growth and seek to compete with the major suppliers to biofuel producers in the CEE region. Our priority is to build long-term, mutually beneficial cooperation with local farmers and commodity traders, which we regard as the core of a successful business. We are committed to achieving high standards of corporate governance and serve our clients in the most efficient way.


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Corn (Zea Mays) is a popular feedstock for ethanol production in the CEE region due to its abundance and relative ease of conversion to ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It is also the main commodity traded by Envien Magyarország.


Rapeseed is one of the most-grown, oil-bearing plants in Hungary. Because the plant can grow with less sunlight and at lower temperatures than other crops, it was cultivated in Europe as early as the 13th century A.D. In recent years, rapeseed has increased its economic significance due to the oil's high energy content.

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Bioethanol is also produced from starch-based feedstock either via dry or wet milling, typically using corn in the CEE region. One by-product from bioethanol production is dried distiller’s grain with soluble (DDGS), which has proven to be a valuable feed commodity for animal husbandry.

Rapeseed meal

Rapeseed meal is a by-product of biodiesel production. The crushing of rapeseed produces rapeseed oil that can be sold to the food market and/or sold to the biofuel market where it is converted into biodiesel.

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